Simple creative techniques to develope Illustrations in the Softwareprogram Adobe Illustrator with the fun and motivation to train your imagination.
Editorial Concepts
Typography and pagedesign represent narrative structures and techniques through sensitive compositions on doublesized printmedia. Artwork and lectures about dynamics, hierarchies and messages for clients (AudiMobil, Zentrum für Druck und Medien Stuttgart, Inhouse Trainings for magazine and newspaper clients) and lectures at the hfg-offenbach with students contain research, developement, concept consulting and solutions.
Label Concepts
Label & Logodesign – representing the philosophy and naming of a person, product or power – put the descriptive, connotative and assoziative elements of your word in a nutshell image.

Poster Concepts
Posterdesign as advertising campaigns leave a precisely message to inform, to persuade or to convince you to think or act in a special way.